Page:Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal, Volume 1, 1869.djvu/447

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1868.] Descriptions. 365 cells, which are in two tiers, isolated from the external walls. The second tier has an iron balcony surrounding it, approached by staircases of iron. Ad- joining these cells are the Lavatories, Clothing Rooms and Turnkey's Rooms. There will be in all 72 cells, 28 double, and 44 single; and so arranged that on a special emergency, each double cell can be formed into two single ones. All the roofs, having a pitch of 30 degrees, are to be laid with the best quality slate ; and all the flat portions of the roof with the best X leaded roof- ing tin, all laid in the most approved and substantial manner. To each prison wing there is provided a " food" hoist from the first story to the line of balcony of second story cells ; and a dumb-waiter from the basement to first story in stair hall. All the hoisting apparatus will be of the most approved kind, and operated by hand with a crank. All that skill and science can accom- plish has been bestowed upon the mode of ventilation and of heating this build- ing. The heatinsr arrangement that has been chosen is the self-regulating hot- water apparatus of Morris, Tasker & Co., of Philadelphia. This has been proved to be a most convenient and A. Main Entrance Hall. ! B. Warden's Parlor. C. Office. D. Dining Eoom. E. Registering Room. F. F. Stair to Second Story, G. G. Corridors. H. Kitchen. I. Pantry. J. Stair to Basement, K. Scnllery. L. Coals. Hon County Officers at the Period of Construction, JOHN N. CONYNGHAM, President Judge. Stephen Davenport, Uriah A. Gritman, I William Wolf, f William France:, / William W Smith, I Michael Raber. ) Steuben Jenkins, Lewis Havens, Commissioners. Clerk. Contractor, M. Engine Room. N. Ventilating Fan Room. O. Boiler Room. P Pavement. R. Clothing Room. S. Lavatory. T. Turnkey's Room. TJ. Corridors. V. Double Cells. W. Single Cells. X. Gates to Court Yard. T. Court Yard.;