94 DIGEST OF LITERATURE; Lebris. Different clinical forms of papillary atrophies. Th^se de Paris, %-]'i. (La France Med., Oct. 5, 1878, >. 638.) Patknostre. Study of the alterations of the skin in old persons. Thhe de Paris, 1877, No. 536. (Rev. des .Sciences M6d., Oct. 15, 1878, p. 773.) DuilRiNO, Louis A. A case of undescrihed form of atrophy of the hair of the beard. Am. yotirn. of Med. Sciences, July, 1878, j). 88. Jamieson, a. Case of alopecia areata. Med.-Chir. Soc. of Edinb. Rdin- Inii-i^h Med. Jonrn., March, 1879, p. 835. LE'ruRC. Considerations on the nature and treatment of alopecia (pelade). These de Paris, 1878. (La France Med., Oct. 5, 1878, p. 638.) Parrott. Alopecia in infants. Hopit. des Enfants-Assisl6s. Le Pro;.^. Med., June I, 1878, p. 413. Pye SMirii. On the so-called " piedra." Path. Soc. of Lond. Lancet, Dec. 7, 1878, p. 809. RoicsER. Ueber Trichoptilosis. Ann. de Derm, et .Syp/i., 1878, No. 3. (Med.- Chir. Rund., Feb. 1879, P- 'S^-) ROHE, G. H. The causes of premature baldness. Atlanta Med. and Surg. Joiirn., 1878, xvi., p. 39I. SciiMlTZ, G. Piiocarpin as a remedy for alopecia. Med. Times and Gaz., March 15, 1879, P- 291. SCHWIMMER, E. Trichorexis nodosa barbae. Vierteljahr. f. Dermat. and Syplt., V. Jahrg., Heft 4, 1878, p. 581. Startin, Jas. Piedra. Corresp. in Lancet, Dec. 14, 1878, p. 866. ViUAL. Alopecia. Soc. de Biol. Le Prog. Mid., June I, 1878, p. 421. Wertheim, G. Ueber das Ergrauen, Weisswerden und Ausfallen der Haare beim Menschen. PVien. Med. Wochensch., Feb. 23, 1878, p. 184; March 2, 1878, p. 209. Wii.Ks, Sam'l, and Hoggan, Geo. Piedra. Lancet, Sept. 7, 1878, p. 347. Berger. On progressive facial hemiatrophia. Deiitsc/tes Med. Wochensch., Aug. 10, 1878, p. 407. Hayden. Congenita! atrophy of the right upper extremity. Transac. Med. Soc. of Coll. of Physicians. (Dublin Journ of Med. Sciences, May, 1878, p. 422.) Robinson, B. A case of unilateral atrophy of the face, accompanied with slight paralysis of the adductors of the vocal cords. Am. Journ. Med. Sciences, Oct. 1878, p. 437.
Blood-counting in early syphilis. — Schulgowsky made use of the apparatus of Hayem and Nachet in the Kalinkin Hospital to count the blood-corpuscles of patients suffering from syphilis in its earl-y eruptive forms, and to estimate the influence of mercurial treatment upon the blood.
No new results were arrived at, but old ones confirmed.