it was not contagious, and of Dr. Ward, on "verrugas, a disease peculiar to Peru,"* may also be referred to
Upon the subject of syphilis two admirable papers were read, one on "the virus of venereal sores, its unity or duality, "f by the late Dr. Bumstead, the other on "the treatment of syphilis, "| by Dr. Keyes. The Congress, moreover, proved instrumental in creating such good feeling and concert of action among our dermatologists as to subsequently lead to the establishment of this Association.
The year was, moreover, notable for the publication of valuable statistics. A paper by Dr. James C. White, entitled "an analysis of five thousand cases of skin disease, "§ as observed in the Massa- chusetts General Hospital, was of especial worth. As Dr. White remarks, "the value of such analyses, incomplete as they neces- sarily are in many respects, is still great, for they yield valuable in- formation concerning the etiological relations of many cutaneous diseases, and furnish the data for comparing the prevalence of these affections in various countries."
Under the title of "American dermatology, "1| Dr. Damon also published an analysis often thousand six hundred and seventy cases of skin disease, with reference to the seasons in which they are most prevalent. The same author, moreover, gave statistics of the cases of cutaneous disease observed in the Boston City Hospital, from 1868 to 1876.^ Analyses of cases were likewise published by Drs. Bulkley** and Hardaway.ff
The contributions to current literature were unusually numerous. In therapeutics we find two articles on the use and value of arsenic in the treatment of skin diseases, by Dr. Bulkley^J and by the writer. §§ The former observer also recorded his experience upon the value of the hyposulphite of sodium in the treatment of fur- unculi ;|||| and Dr.Wigglesworth his views on the dermal curette. ^^ Nitrate of zinc in the treatment of venereal and other lesions, by Dr. Piffard;*** "chloral as an anti-pruritic," by Dr. J. R. Black jftf nitrate of alumina in the treatment of pruritus vulvae, by Dr. H. Gill -jXIX t^"" i" ^^^ treatment of seborrhoea, by Dr. Heitzmann ;§§§ and new lead ointments, by Drs. Piffard|||||| and Taylor, ^^^ may
- Trans, of the International Med. Congress, Phila., 1877. f Ibid. J Ibid.
Bost. Med. and Surg. Jour., 1876.
II Arch, of Derm., Oct. 1876.
Annual Report, City Hosp., Boston, 186.
- Amer. Pract., May, 1875, ^"^ April and May, 1876; also N. Y. Med. Jour.,
April and June, 1877. ft St. Louis Med. and Surg. Jour., June, 1877. XX Trans. Amer. Med. Assoc, 1876.
H. C. Wood's Treatise on Therapeutics.
nil Amer. Pract., May, 1876.
Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., Feb. 10, 1876.
- New Remedies, March, 1876.
fff Cincinnati Lancet and Obs., March, 1876. St Louis Med. and Surg. Reporter, 1876. 1^^ Trans. International Med. Congress, Phila., 1877. Illlll Arch, of Derm., July, 1876. Ibid., April, 1876.