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Page:Archives of dermatology, vol 6.djvu/459

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Arbe, Robert. Case of morphoea 143 Absorption by the skin .... 440 Acne indurala cured by chryso- phanic acid 176 Acne, lupoid 263 Acne pustules, retention of iodine in 176 Acne rosacea treated by ergotine . 177 Acne sebacea, etc 178 Acne, treatment of 176 Acquired syphilis occurring very early in life, two cases of. I. Ethnondson Atkinson .... 241 Adenoma 384 Ainhutn. y. Da Silva Lima . . 367 Ainhum, discussion on ... . 434 Ainhum 300, 304 Alopecia 305 Alopecia areata 89, 302 Alopecia areata, fungus in . . . 172 Amblyopia symptomatic of cerebral syphilization 221 American Dermatological Associa- ti(m 336, 400 American dermatology, the founda- tion of. L. A. Duhring . . . 400 Amidon, R. W. Pathological changes in the skin in a case of facial erysijielas 126 Am|Hitation developing latent syph- ilis 444 Anaesthesia cutis 183 Anaesthetic leprosy 197 Anatomy, physiology, and pathol- ogy of the skin. Digest. A. R, Robinson 72 | Anatomy, phy^iology, and pathol- ogy of the skin. Digest, Mal- colm Morris 437 Angioma 203 Angiosarcomata 199 Anthrax 290 Arsenical eruptions 338 Arsenic in ]isoriasis 82 Arteritis, syphilitic 2IO PAGE Articular affection in hereditary syphilis 114 Atkinson, I. Edmondson. Two cases of acquired syphilis occur- ring very early in life .... 241 Atlas of skin diseases. L. A. Duh- ring. Review 118 I Atrophy of optic nerve in erysipelas of face 189 Atropia in the treatment of urti- caria 283 Kath, Turkish, physiology of the . 74 Bee-sting, poisoning by a ... 80 Belladonna eruptions 341 Blood-counting in early syphilis . 94 Bone disease in hereditary syphi- lis ^2i,etseq. Bone syphilis, hereditary 109, ill, etseq. Bones, syphilis of the 309 Books and pamphlets received 229, 330 Breast, tumors of the. C. I/eitz- viann 378 Bromine eruptions 342 Bronchial and tracheal stenosis, pathology of, following syphilis . 2l6 Bui.KLEY, L. Duncan. Case of mor])hoea 144 BuLKLEY, L. Di;ncan. Clinical illustrations of diseases of the skin 56, 133, 249, 394 BuLKLEY, L. Duncan. On the use of sulphur and its com- pounds in diseases of the skin . 233 Bui.Ki.EY, L. Duncan. Remark- able case of feigned eruption . 257 BuMSTEAD, Freeman J., and Tay- lor, Robert W. The pathol- ogy and treatment of venereal diseases. Review 223 BuMSTEAi), Freeman J. Notice of death of 120 Burns and scalds, early treatment of 287 Cancer .* . . . 385 Cancer following lupus . . . .195 447