number of common sentences illustrating the words in the vocabulary, and these also should be carefully committed to memory.
The student should daily practise Tamil handwriting, by writing copies at first of Tamil letters, and afterwards of Tamil words and sentences.
It only remains for the author very heartily to thank the kind friends who have rendered him much valuable assistance in the preparation of this work. They are too many to mention individually, but he cannot pass over in silence the names of A. E. Hutchins, Esq., I.C.S., and F. Brandt, Esq., I.C.S., Lecturer in Tamil and Telugu at the University of Cambridge. The former has been most kind in correcting the manuscript for the press, and the latter has most carefully read the book whilst in preparation, and offered many very useful suggestions.
N.B.—The author will be greatly obliged for any corrections, suggestions, criticisms, etc., which may strike the reader as he goes through this work. They can be sent either through the publishers, or direct to his private address—Curborough, Great Malvern. They would be of much value in preparing a second edition.