Page:Aristopia (1895).pdf/204

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for that purpose. Very many people would come to Aristopia at their own expense, and the inhabitants of the commonwealth could well assist many of their poor relatives to come over.

After he had retired from the governorship he rendered the commonwealth a service which, although it seemed small at first, became very great a generation afterward. The colonists had introduced sheep as soon as they had clearings sufficient for sheep-pastures not too much exposed to the wolves; but circumstances were unfavorable for an improvement of the breed, which became inferior. In England more favorable circumstances had enabled breeders to develop much improved breeds. But the jealous land owners had procured the enactment of laws forbidding the exportation of sheep, on penalty of having the right hand cut off, and exportation did not offer sufficient profit to induce an ordinary individual to risk the terrible penalty.

Ex-Governor Morton employed the captain of a privateer, with a strong, bold crew, to make an importation of Cotswold sheep. One of his agents in England rented a wild piece of land on the western coast of England for a