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Page:Armistice Day.djvu/266

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Ere we deliver them to light and silence—
The vestiges of battle fallen away—
Fragments of storm parting about the moon,—
Here in the dim rock-chambers, garlanded
With frail sea-roses perfumed by the sea
That murmurs of renown, and murmuring,
Scatters the cool light won by the ripple
From the stormless moon, cloistered with memory,
Whose dim caves front the immortal vistas
Plangent with renown, here they await
The light, the glory and the ultimate rest.

Be comforted,—nay, sob, if sob thou must,
Cover thy face and dim thy hair with dust,
And we who know they live
Gather the dead in triumph—
Exalted from the caves of memory,
Purified from the least assail of time,—
And lay them with all that is most living,
In light transcendent,
In the ageless aisles of silence,
With the Immortals that have saved the world.