Page:Army Act, 1950 on Gazette of India.pdf/25

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MAY 23, 1950

(h) any sum required to pay a fine awarded by a criminal court, a court-martial exercising jurisdiction under section 69, or an officer exercising authority under any of the sections 80 and 80;
(i) any sum required by order of the Central Government or any prescribed officer to be paid for the maintenance of his wife or his legitimate or illegitimate child or towards the coat of any relief given by the said Government to the said wife or child.

92. Computation of time of absence or custody.—For the purposes of clauses (a) and (b) of section 91,—

(a) no person shall be treated as absent or in custody for a day unless the absence or custody has lasted, whether wholly in one day, or partly in ore day and partly in another, for six consecutive hours or upwards;
(b) any absence or custody for less than a day may be reckoned as absence or custody for a day if such absence or custody prevented the absentee from fulfilling any military duty which was thereby thrown upon some other person;
(c) absence or custody for twelve consecutive hours or upwards may be reckoned as absence or custody for the whole of each day during any portion of which the person was absent or in custody;
(d) a period of absence, or imprisonment, which commences before, and ends after, midnight may be reckoned as a day.

93. Pay and allowances during trial.—In the case of any person subject to this Act who is in custody or under suspension from duty on a charge for an offence, the prescribed officer may direct that the whole or any part of the pay and allowances of such person shall be withheld, pending the result of his trial on the charge against him, in order to give effect to the provisions of clause (b) of sections 90 and 91.

94. Limit of certain deductions.—The total deductions from the pay and allowances of a person made under clauses (e), (g) to (i) of section 91 shall not, except where him is sentenced to dismissal, exceed in any one month one-half of his pay and allowances for that month.

95. Deduction from public money due to a person.—Any sum authorised by this Act to be deducted from the pay and allowances of any person may, without prejudice to any other mode of recovering the same, be deducted from any public money due to him other than a pension.

96. Pay and allowances of prisoner of war during inquiry into his conduct.—Where the conduct of any person subject to this Act when being taken prisoner by, or while in the hands of, the enemy, is to be inquired into under this Act or any other law, the Commander-in-Chief or any officer authorised by him may order that the whole or any part of the pay and allowances of such person shall be withheld pending the result of such inquiry.

97. Remission of deductions.—Any deduction from pay and allowances authorised by this Act may be remitted in such manner and to such extent, and by such authority, as may from time to time be prescribed.

98. Provision for dependants of prisoner of war from remitted deductions.—In the case of all persons subject to this Act, being prisoners of war, whose pay and allowances have been forfeited under clause (h) of section 90 or clause (a) of section 91, but in respect of whom a remission has been made under section 97, it shall be lawful for proper provision to be made by the prescribed authorities out of such pay and allowances for any dependants of such persons, and any such remission shall in that case be deemed to apply only to the balance thereafter remaining of such pay and allowances.