Page:Army Act, 1950 on Gazette of India.pdf/28

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MAY 23, 1950

109. Power to convene a general court-martial.—A general court-martial may be convened by the Central Government or the Commander-in-Chief or by any officer empowered in this behalf by warrant of the Commander-in-Chief

110. Power to convene a district court-martial.—A district court-martial may be convened by an officer having power to convene a general court-martial or by any officer empowered in this behalf by warrant of any such officer.

111. Contents of warrants Issued under sections 109 and 110.—A warrant issued under section 109 or section 110 may contain such restrictions, reservations or conditions as the officer issuing it may think fit.

112. Power to convene a summary general court-martial.—The following authorities shall have power to convene a summary general court-martial, namely,—

(a) an officer empowered in this behalf by an order of the Central Government or of the Commander-in-Chief;
(b) on active service, the officer commanding the forces in the field, or any officer empowered by him in this behalf;
(c) an officer commanding any detached portion of the regular Army on active service when, in his opinion, it is not practicable, with due regard to discipline and the exigencies of the service, that an offence should be tried by a general court-martial.

113. Composition oi general court-martial.—A general court-martial shall consist of not less than five officers, each of whom has held a commission for not less than three whole years and of whom not less than four are of a rank not below that of captain.

114. Composition of district court-martial.—A district court-martial shall consist of not less than three officers, each of whom has held a commission for not less than two whole years.

115. Compaction of summary general court-martial.—A summary general court-martial shall consist of not less than three officers.

116. Summary court-martial.—(1) A summary court-martial may be held by the commanding officer of any corps, department or detachment of the regular Army, and he shall alone constitute the court.

(2) The proceedings shall be attended throughout by two other persons who shall be officers or junior commissioned officers or one of either, and who shall not as such, be sworn or affirmed.

117. Dissolution of court-martial.—(1) If a court-martial after the commencement of a trial is reduced below the minimum number of officers required by this Act, it shall be dissolved.

(2) If, on account of the illness of the judge advocate or of the accused before the finding, it is impossible to continue the trial, a court-martial shall be dissolved.

(3) The officer who convened a court-martial may dissolve such court-martial if it appears to him that military exigencies or the necessities of discipline render it impossible or inexpedient to continue the said court-martial.

(4) Where a court-martial is dissolved under this section, the accused may be tried again.