Page:Army Act, 1950 on Gazette of India.pdf/40

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MAY 23, 1950

168. Execution of sentence of transportation.—Whenever any sentence of transportation is passed under this Act or whenever any sentence of death is commuted to transportation, the commanding officer of the person under sentence or such other officer as may be proscribed shall forward a warrant in the prescribed form to the officer in charge of the civil prison in which such person is to be confined and shall arrange for his despatch to such prison with the warrant.

169. Execution of sentence of imprisonment.—(1) Whenever any sentence of imprisonment is passed under this Act by a court-martial or whenever any sentence of death or transportation is commuted to imprisonment, the confirming officer or in case of a summary court-martial the officer holding the Court or such other officer as may be prescribed, shall, save as otherwise provided in sub-sections (3) and (4), direct either that the sentence shall be carried out by confinement in a military prison or that it shall be carried out by confinement in a civil prison.

(2) When a direction has been made under sub-section (1) the commanding officer of the person under sentence or such other officer as may be prescribed shall forward a warrant in the prescribed form to the officer in charge of the prison in which such person is to be confined and shall arrange for his despatch to such prison with the warrant.

(3) In the case of a sentence of imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months and passed under this Act by a court-martial, the appropriate officer under sub-section (1) may direct that the sentence shall be carried out by confinement in military custody instead of in a civil or military prison.

(4) On active service, a sentence of imprisonment may be carried out by confinement in such place as the officer commanding the forces in the field may from time to time appoint.

170. Temporary custody of offender.—Where a sentence of transportation or imprisonment is directed to be undergone in a civil prison the offender may be kept in a military prison or in military custody Or in any other fit place, till such time as it is possible to send him to a civil prison.

171. Execution of sentence of imprisonment in special cases.—Whenever, in the opinion of an officer commanding an army, array corps, division or independent brigade, any sentence or portion of a sentence of imprisonment cannot for special reasons, conveniently be carried out in a military prison or in military custody m accordance with the provisions of section 169 such officer may direct that such sentence or portion of sentence shall be carried out by confinement in any civil prison or other fit place.

172. Conveyance of prisoner from place to place.—A person under sentence of transportation or imprisonment may during his conveyance from place to place, or when on board ship, aircraft, or otherwise, be subjected to such restraint as is necessary for his safe conduct and removal.

173. Communication of certain orders to prison officers.—Whenever an order is duly made under this Act setting aside or varying any sentence, order or warrant under which any person is confined in a civil or military prison, a warrant in accordance with such order shall be forwarded by the officer making the order or his staff officer or such other person as may be prescribed to the officer in charge of the prison in which such person is confined.

174. Execution of sentence Of fine.—When a sentence of fine is imposed by a court-martial under section 69 whether the trial was held within India or not, a copy of such sentence, signed and certified by the confirming officer, or where no confirmation is required, by the officer holding the trial may be