Page:Army Act, 1950 on Gazette of India.pdf/6

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MAY 23, 1950

13. Procedure before enrolling officer.—Upon the appearance before the prescribed enrolling officer of any person desirous of being enrolled, the enrolling officer shall read and explain to him, or cause to be read and explained to him in his presence, the conditions of the service for which he is to be enrolled; and shall put to him the questions set forth in the prescribed form of enrolment, and shall, after having cautioned him that if he makes a false answer to any such question he will be liable to punishment under this Act, record or cause to be recorded his answer to each such question.

14. Mode of enrolment.—If, after complying with the provisions of section 18, the enrolling officer is satisfied that the person desirous of being enrolled fully understands the questions put to him and consents to the conditions of service, and it such officer perceives no impediment, he shall sign and shall also cause such person to sign the enrolment paper, and such person shall thereupon be deemed to be enrolled.

15. Validity of enrolment.—Every person who has for the space of three months been in receipt of pay as a person enrolled under this Act and been borne on thy rolls of any corps or department shall be deemed to have been duly enrolled, and shall not be entitled to claim his discharge on the ground of any irregularity or illegality in bis enrolment or on any other ground whatsoever; and if any person, in receipt of such pay and borne on the rolls as aforesaid, claims his discharge before the expiry of three months from his enrolment, no such irregularity or illegality or other ground shall, until he is discharged in pursuance of his claim, Affect his position as an enrolled person under this Act or invalidate any proceeding, act or thing taken or done prior to his discharge.

16. Persons to be attested.—The following persons shall be attested, namely:—

(a) all persons enrolled as combatants;
(b) all persons selected to hold a non commissioned or acting non-commissioned rank; end
(c) all other persons subject to this Act as may be prescribed by the Central Government.

17. Mode of attestation.—(1) When a person who is to be attested is reported fit for duty, or has completed the prescribed period of probation, in oath or Affirmation shall be administered to him in the prescribed form by his commanding officer in front of his corps or such portion thereof or such members of his department as may be present, or by any other prescribed person.

(2) The form of oath or affirmation prescribed under this section shall contain a promise that the person to be attested will bear true allegiance to tho Constitution of India as by law established, and that he will serve in the regular Army and go wherever he is ordered by land, sea or air, and that he will obey all commands of any officer set over him, even to the peril of his life.

(3) The fact of an enrolled person having taken the oath or affirmation directed by this section to be taken shall be entered on his enrolment paper, and authenticated by the signature of the officer administering the oath or affirmation.