than five hundred ſtadia. At this place five cohorts are ſtationed, to whom we delivered their pay, and inſpected their arms, the walls, and the ditch, their ſick, and their preſent ſtock of proviſions. My report concerning theſe ſubjects has been already written in the Latin language. Apſarus, it is ſaid, formerly bore the name of Apſyrtus, from the perſon who was murdered by Medea, and whoſe ſepulchre is ſtill ſhewn there. Its preſent name was corrupted by the Barbarians from the ancient one, as has taken place in many other inſtances. Thus they ſay, that Tyana in Cappadocia was called, about the time alluded to, Thoana, from Thoas, King of the Tauri; who, it is reported, came thither in purſuit of Pylades and Oreſtes, and their companions, and died there of ſome diſeaſe.
The rivers, which we paſſed ſince our departure from Trapezus, are as follows.
The Hyſſus, from which the port of that name is called, is diſtant from Trapezus an hundred and eighty ſtadia.
The Ophis; which is diſtant from the port of Hyſſus, at moſt, ninety ſtadia, and ſeparates the country of Colchis from that of Thyana.
The Pſychrus; diſtant from the Ophis about thirty ſtadia.
The Calus; diſtant from the Pſychrus thirty ſtadia.
The Rhizius lies alſo in the neighbourhood of the Pſychrus, and is diſtant from the Calus an hundred and twenty ſtadia.
From the Rhizius to the Aſcurus the diſtance is thirty ſtadia.
From the Aſcurus to the Adienus ſixty ſtadia.
From the Adienus to Athenæ an hundred and eighty ſtadia.
The river Zagatis lies at moſt only ſeven ſtadia from Athenæ.