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Page:Arrian's Voyage Round the Euxine Sea Translated.djvu/38

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From the river Pſychrus to the river Calus 30 ſtadia, From the river Calus to the river Rhizius 120 ſtadia.

A port of this name is put down in Ptolemy, probably the mouth of this river, which he places at only 10′, or about 100 ſtadia to the Eaſt of the Ophis, or rather of the place, which he calls Opius, or Ὄπιος.

From the river Rhizius to the river Afeurus 30 ſtadia.

From the river Aſcurus to the river Adienus 60 ſtadia.

From the river Adienus to Athena: Ponticae 180 itadia.

Arrian makes the whole diſtance from Trapezus to Athenæ Ponticac 720 ſtadia, equal to 90 Greek miles, or 82½ Engliſh miles. Its direction is nearly Eaſt. The Peutingerian Tables make this diſtance to be [1] 91 m.p. or 728 ſtadia, very near to the calculation of Arrian. It had its name [2], as Arrian ſays, from a temple in the Grecian ſtyle, which was built there;, but the place appears to havebeen, even in his time, in a eſerted ſtate, the caſtle being in ruins; and the whole was probably noticed here more for its name, than on any other account. This was the firſt place the fleet touched at, being driven in by a violent tempeſt, which endangered them very much., He deſcribes it as preceded by a cloud ſuddenly

  1. From Trapezus to Nyffilime 24, m. p.
      Nyffilime Opiunte 18
      Opiunte Reila 15
      Reila Ardinco 8
      Ardinco Athenis 16
            91 m.p = 728 ſtadia
  2. It is now called Ortouna, or Athenah.
