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Page:Art Songs of Japan.djvu/11

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To Ruth St. Denis

Old [1]Samurai Prayer

\relative c' { \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \key d \major b b' }
\relative c' { \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f e e' }

\header {
  poet = "KOMACHI 700 A. D."
  composer = "GERTRUDE ROSS"
  tagline = ""  % removed

voice = \relative c'' << {
\clef treble
  \key c \major
  \time 2/4
  \tempo "Andante"

\autoBeamOff r2 r2 r2 r4 \stemDown b8^\mf b8 e4 e8. c16 b2 \stemUp r8 a8 b8 a8 \stemDown b4 r8 b8 d8.-> d16 d4 b4 \stemUp a4 \stemDown b2 ~ b4 r8 b \stemUp a4. a8 \stemDown b4^\< c d2~ d d4\> d8 d des4 des c2 ~ c4 r8\! c b4. b8 e4.-> \fermata \stemUp e,8 \stemDown b'2-> ~ b r2 r }
\addlyrics {
May the Springs pure -- ly flow
And sick -- ness cease.
May Vic -- to -- ry crown our House, __
And treas -- ure stores in -- crease. __
E -- vil no long -- er grow __
And all the World know Peace! __ 
} >>

upper = \relative c'' {
  \clef treble
  \key c \major
  \time 2/4
{ \stemUp e4 e8. c16 b2 r8 a[ b a] b4 r4 e4 e8. c16 b2 s1 s s s s s s s e4 e8. c16 b2 } \\ { e,2 ~ e s1 e2 ~ e r8 a[ b a] b4 r4 <d, g d'>2 <b' e, b>4 <a e a,> <b, d g b>2 ~ <b d g b> <a c e a> <b d g b>4_\< <c e g c> <d g b d>2 ~ <d g b d> <e g d'>\> <e g des'> <e g c> ~ <e g c>4 r\! <e g b>2 <e a e'> e2 ~ e r8 a[ b a] b2  \bar "|." }
>> }

lower = \relative c {
  \clef bass
  \key c \major
  \time 2/4
{ s1 r8 a'[ b a] b4 r s1 r8 a[ b a] b4 r s1 s s s s s s s r8 a[ b a] b2 } \\ \stemUp { <e,,~ b'~ g'^~>2 <e b' g'>2 \stemDown b' ~ b2 \stemUp <e, b' g'>2 ~ <e b' g'>2 \stemDown b' ~ b <b' d, g,> g4 c, g2 g c b4 e, d2 d <e' bes' d> ~ <e g des'> ~ <e bes' c> ~ <e bes' c>4 r4 <e, b' g'>2 <a fis' c'> <e b' g'> ~ <e b' g'> b' ~ b }

\score { <<  
    \new Staff = "voice" \voice 
\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"voice oohs" \set Staff.instrumentName = "Voice"
  \new PianoStaff  <<
    \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano"
    \new Staff = "upper" \upper
    \new Staff = "lower" \lower
  >> >>
\layout {
\context {
    \omit BarNumber
  indent = 2\cm
 \midi { \tempo 4 = 100
  1. The Samurai is the Military Class of Japan.

Copyright, 1917, by White-Smith Music Publishing Co.
International Copyright Secured
