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Page:Art Songs of Japan.djvu/14

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\header {
  dedication = "To Yvonne de Treville"
  title = "Butterfly"
  subtitle = ""
  tagline = ""
  poet = ""
  composer = "GERTRUDE ROSS"

voice = \relative c''  {
\clef treble
  \key f \major
  \time 2/4
  \tempo "Leggierézza, non molto allegro"

\autoBeamOff r2 r2 bes8 d e4 d8 e d( bes) a16 a a a e8 g a2 d8 d des des c c b4 a8 a b a b4. b8 }
\addlyrics {
But -- ter -- fly
But -- ter -- fly __
Light up -- on a Na -- leaf,
Or if Na -- leaf
tempt you not,
On my hand a --
light and


upper = \relative c'' {
  \clef treble
  \key f \major
  \time 2/4

d16 g, a bes d e g bes \ottava #1 \set Staff.ottavation = #"8" d e g bes <f a d>4\staccato\fermata\marcato \ottava #0 r8 <g,, bes d> r <g bes e> r <g bes e> r <g bes> r <d f a> r <bes d g> r <d f a> r <d f a> r <f a d> r <f a des> r <f a c> r <e g b> r <d f a> r <d f a> r <e g b> r <e g c> }

lower = \relative c {
  \clef bass
  \key f \major
  \time 2/4

g4\sustainOn <g' bes d e>~ <g bes d e> d,\fermata\sustainOff\sustainOn bes''8\sustainOff d e4 d8 e d bes <d, a'> r <g, e'> r <d a'>2 d''4 des c b a b8 a b4 bes

\score { <<  
    \new Staff = "voice" \voice 
\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"voice oohs" \set Staff.instrumentName = "Voice"
  \new PianoStaff  <<
    \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano"
    \new Staff = "upper" \upper
    \new Staff = "lower" \lower
  >> >>
\layout {
\context {
    \omit BarNumber }
  indent = 2\cm
 \midi { \tempo 4 = 60

Copyright, 1917, by White-Smith Music Publishing Co.
International Copyright Secured