dive carrots, turnips, beets, nasturtian-flowers, musk melons, wood-strawberries, currants, gooseberries, raspberries, red and white jannatings, the Margaret apple, the primat-russet, summer-green chissel, and pearl pears, the carnation-morella, great bearer, Morocco, origat, and begarreaux-cherries. The nutmeg, Isabella, persian, Newington, violet, muscal, and rambouillet peaches. Nectarines, the primodial, myrobalan, red, blue, amber, damask-pear, apricot, and cinnamon-plumbs; also the king's and lady Elizabeth's plumbs, &c. some figs and grapes. Walnuts in high season to picle, and rock-sampier. The fruit yet lasting of the last year is, the deuxans and winter-russeting.
August. The product of the kitchn and fruit garden.
CABBAGES and their sprouts, cauliflowers, artichokes, cabbage-lettuce, beets, carrots, potatoes, turnip, some beans, pease, kidney-beans, and all sorts of kitchen-herbs, raddishes, horse-raddish, cucumbers, cresses, some tarragon, onions, garlick, rocumboles, melons, and cucumbers for pickling.
Gooseberries, raspberries, currants, grapes, figs, mulberries and filberts, apples, the Windsor sovereign, orange burgamot sliper, red Catharine, king Catharine, penny-prussian, summer poppering, sugar and louding pears. Crown Bourdeaux, lavur, disput, savoy and wallacotta peaches; the muroy, tawny, red Roman, little green cluster, and yellow nectarines.
Imperial blue dates, yellow late rpear, black pear, white nutmeg late pear, great Antony or Turkey and Jane plumbs.
Cluster, muscadin, and cornelian grapes.
September. The product of the kitchen and fruit garden.
GARDEN and some kidney-beans, roncival pease, artichokes, raddishes, cauliflowers, cabbage-lettuce, cress, chervile, onions, tarragon, burnet, sellery, endive, mushrooms, carrots, turnips, skirrets, beets, scorzonera, horse-raddish, garlick, shalots, rocumbole, cabbage and their sprouts, with savoys, which are better when more sweetened with the frost.
Peaches, grapes, figs, pears, plumbs, walnuts, filberts, almonds, quinces, melons, and cucumbers.
October. The product of the kitchen and fruit garden.
SOME cauliflowers, artichokes, pease, beans, cucumbers, and melons; also July sown kidney-beans, turnips, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, skirrets, scorzonera, beets, onions, garlick, shalots, rocumbole, chardones, cresses, chervile, mustard,