How to clean gold or silver lace 365
How to make sweet powder for cloaths 366
To clean white sattins, flower'd silks, with gold and silver in them ib
To keep arms, iron or steel from rusting ib
The jews way to pickle beef, which will go good to the West Indies, and keep a year good in the pickle, and with care, will go to the East-Indies ib
How to make cyder 367
For sining cyder io
To make chouder, a sea dish 368
To clarify sugar after the Spanish way ib
To make Spanish fritters ib
To fricasey pigeons the Italian way 369
Pickled beef for present use ib
Beef steaks after the French way ib
A capon done after the French way ib
To make Hamburgh sausages 373
Sausages after the German way ib
A turkey stuff'd after the Hamburgh way ib
Chickens dress'd the French way ib
A calf's head dress'd after the Dutch way 371
Chickens and turkies dress'd after the Dutch way ib
To make a fricasey of calves feet and chaldron, after the Italian way ib
To make a cropadeu, a Scotch dish, &c. ib
To pickle the fine purple cabbage, so much admired, at the great tables 371
To make the pickle 372
To raise mushrooms ib
The stag's heart water ib
To make angelica water 373
To make milk water ib
To make slip-coat cheese ib
To make brick-back cheese. It must be made in September 374
To make cordial poppy water ib
To make white mead ib
To make brown pottage ib
To make white barley pottage with a large chicken in the middle 375
English Jews pudding; an excellent dish for fix or seven people, for the expence of sixpence ib
To make a Scotch haggass 376
To make sour crout ib
To keep green pease, beans, &c. and fruit, fresh and good till Christmas ib
To make pico-lilla, or Indian pickle, the same the mangos come over in 377
To preserve cucumbers equal with any India sweet-meat 378
The Jews way of preserving salmon, and all sorts of fish ib
To preserve tripe to go to the East-Indies 379
The manner of dressing various sorts of dried fish; as stock-fish, cod, salmon, whitings, &c. ib
The way of curing mackrel 381
To dress cured mackrel ib