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Page:Art of Cookery 1774 edition.djvu/382

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Appendix to the Art of Cookery.

A cake the Spanish way.

TAKE twelve eggs, three quarters of a pound of the best moist sugar, mill them in a chocolate-mill, till they are all of a lather; then mix in one pound of flour, half a pound of pounded almonds, two ounces of candied orange-peel, two ounces of citron, four large spoonfuls of orange-water, half an ounce of cinnamon, and a glafs of sack. It is better when baked in a slow oven.

Another way.

TAKE one pound of flour, one pound of butter, eight eggs, one pint of boiling milk, two or three spoonfuls of ale yeast, or a glass of French brandy; beat all well together; then set it before the fire in a pan, where there is room for it to rise; cover it close with a cloth and flannel, that no air comes to it; when you think it is raised sufficiently, mix half a pound of the best moist sugar, an ounce of cinnamon beat fine: four spoonfuls of orange-flower water, one ounce of candied orange-peel, one ounce of citron, mix all well together, and bake it.

To dry plumbs.

TAKE pear-plumbs, fair and clear coloured, weigh them and slit them up the sides; put them into a broad pan, and fill it full of water, set them over a very slow fire; take care that the skin does not come off; when they are tender take them up, and to every pound of plumbs put a pound of sugar; strew a little on the bottom of a large silver bason; then lay your plumbs in, one by one, and strew the remainder of your sugar over them; set them into your stove all night, with a good warm fire the next day; beat them, and set them into your stove again, and let them stand two days more, turning them every day; then take them out of the syrup, and lay them on glass plates to dry.

To make sugar of pearl.

TAKE damask rose water half a pint, one pound of fine sugar, half an ounce of prepared pearl beat to powder, eight leaves of beaten gold; boil them together according to art; add the pearl and gold leaves when just done, then cast them on a marble.
