Page:Art of swimming rendered easy.pdf/3

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Swimming being confessedly both an elegant and useful art, we would earnestly recommend its careful study to every person who has an opportunity of acquiring a knowledge of it. Besides being a healthy and delightful amusement, it has been the means, in the hands of Providence, of saving thousands of valuable lives from a watery grave.

It is entirely owing to the want of proper instruetions and practice, that man eannot swim with the same facility as many of the inferior animals, which seem to be led by instinct to use the proper action for their preservation, while rational creatures, being aware of their danger, grow fearful or impatient, and begin to struggle, which has the effect of making them sink in the water.

The first thing that must be learnt, is to divest yourself of all fear; and then, if you follow the instruetions given in this little Work, and practise them frequently, you will soon attain the pleasant Art of Swimming, which, onee obtained, you can never forget.

The following instruetions of the great Dr. Franklin, are worthy of being studied and put