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Page:Arte or Crafte of Rhethoryke - 1899.djvu/107

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43 : 31 f. Translated directly from Melanchthon : " Difficilimum est invenire," etc. See, supra p. 91. Notice how Cox simplifies and rear- ranges his text, e. g., in the handling of the instance of Clodius, cited by M. in the briefest possible terms, but by Cox laid open for young beginners.

44 : 3. On the " placys " (the " loci " of M., or " topica " of some other rhetoricians) see Wilson's Artt of Rhctoriqut, 1553, fol. 3 b, 62 b, and passim.

44 : 25. "An oracyon to the laude and prayse of the Kynges ) nesse." Cox was sometime a courtier. See the account of his life in the Introduction, supra.

44 : 31. "The fyrste is called Logycall.' Mclanchthon's "dialec- ticum.'

45 9-23 : is direct translation from M. I. So 45 : 26-31. What fol- lows, however, is inserted by Cox.

45 -24. "To whome oure author levith " : de iis quidem dialectici viderint (M., supra p. 91).

45 37- See Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Book V. Compare Chase's translation: "Justice [is] a moral disposition such that in conse- quence of it men have the capacity of doing what is just, and actually do it, and wish it."

46 : 6. Cf . Plato's Meno (Jowett's translation, last paragraph) : "Socrates. Then, Meno, the conclusion is that virtue comes to the virtu- ous by the gift of God."

46 : 9. " Plato .... in the begynning of his lawes." See Plato. Laws, Book I, Steph., 624 A.

46 : 12 f. What follows is apparently not a translation from Aristotle, but is Cox's interpretation of Aristotle.

47 : 9 f . "Our auctour also in a grete work," etc. See PHILIPPI MELANCHTHONIS DE RHETORICA libri tres. Coloniae, 1523. [Sig. B. 4 verso, et seq.] :

"I. Quid iustitia ? uirtus qua cui?w<rsuum penditur.

"II. Quae eius causa ? uoluntas consentiens cum legibus moribus^w*.

"III. Quae species? commutatiua & distributiua. Dupliciter enim cum ciuibus communicamus, aut fortunis commutandis, aut humana ciuili- que consuetudine.

" IV. Commutatiua quid ? iustitia contractuum.

"V. Distributiua quid ? iusiitia ciuilis vitae.

"VI. Distributiua quottuplex ? publica alia, alia priuata. Publica. pietas est, imo est omnium uirtutum corona quaedam, ciuilem hominum inter se cowsuetudinem, magistratuum cum ciuibus, uicissim ciuium cum magistratibtis, conseruans. Priuata, ciuium inter honesta & tranquilla cowsuetudo.

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