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Page:Arte or Crafte of Rhethoryke - 1899.djvu/109

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52 : 3-1 1. Cox's addition. 52 : 12 53 : 7. Direct translation.

52 : 29. "Aristides .... his oracion made to the prayse of Rome." See Aristides, 'P<i/*i; iiK&mov, in Aristides ex recensione Dindorfii, vol. I, 321.

53 : 4. The opening sentence of Cicero's oration pro lege Agraria is not given in M. I.

53 : 8 f. Free translation or paraphrase, with many additions ; the .severe arraignment of the poets is chiefly Cox's, although suggested in M. I.

54 : i. The Moritr Kniomintn of Krasmus, 1512. The general tenor of the Epistle Dedicatory, which is addressed to Sir Thomas More, is to suggest a defense of the author's theme by " Insinuatio."

54 : 3 f. " Another example hath the same Erasmus in his seconde Boke of Copia." See " Desyderii Erasmi Koterodami de duplici Copia

Verboruw, ac Reruw Cowmentarij duo Argentorati ....

M.D.XXI." Liber Secundus, De partium rhetoricorum multiplicatione. Fol. LXXVII b.

"Vt si pr^posueris laudare Platonis dogma de uxoribus cowmunibus, ut hoc exempli causa sumatur, dices non te fugere te rem omnium senten- tia absurdissimam polliceri. Ven/w illud orabis ut tantisper iudiciuw suum differant, donee argumentorww suwmam audiermt, nihil diffidere te quin penitus exposita re sint \n diuersam sentential pedibus ituri. Tantuw illud cogitent, hoc q///cquid est, non esse temere dictum a tamo philosopho, (\mgue caeteris in rebus ob excellentiaw ingenij, diuini cogno- men promeruerit." This reference to Erasmus is not in M.

54 : 3 f. Additions by Cox.

54 : 26 55 : 17. Direct translation, with free amplification and re- arrangement.

55 : 18 f. Amplification of the topic by Cox, who supplies new illustra- tions and interpretation.

55 : 22. Horace, Satira IV :

44 Insuevit pater optimus hoc me, Ut fugerem, exemplis vitiorum quseque notando."

55 : 26. Terence, Andria, Act I, Sc. i, 55-59.

56 : 3 f. Sallust, Catiline, LIV.

57 : i. "The oracion that Hermolaus Barbarus made to the Emper- our Frederike and Maximilian his son." Printed with the works of Politian, viz.: Omnium Angelt Politiani operum .... Tomus prior . . [etc.] . . Parrhisiis .... M.D.XII. fols. XCII1I a XCVI a (rive pages folio): "Oratio Hermolai Barbari Zachari<?. F. Legati Veneti : ad Federicum imperatorcw & Maximilianum Regew Romanorum principes inuictissimos."

57 : 5-24. Translation (indirect in part) from M. I.

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