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Page:Arte or Crafte of Rhethoryke - 1899.djvu/21

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IHI-. AHTt-. OA CftAPTE Ot A////. 19

��4. De erudienda m 1 I' Tninn iora < racoviae, 1526. Viet.

5. (a) The /frte / or CVafte of / Rhctho/rykc/. | n. <i. | [ ( olo- phon:| In. punted .it London in Fletc - Red- man / dwelling at the ygne of the George / ( 'um pnuilcgio./

</') TheArte/4 kc./ (within a rutlc orna-

mental border). | Colophon ) Imprinted at London in 1

tones chyrche /, at the sygne of the George / by me Robert Redman, I :..- vere of our lorde god a thousande / fyue hun- dred and t\\i and thyr in priuilegio.

lii- I'- n both editions i addressed to Hugh Faryngton.

Alilxit of Kcd-. Cox " Lconarde < i) and "I.e.

tli art printed in "eight*" in very small 8vo tize (161110). In (a) the signatures run from A i to K mi, a total of r eight : -in thirty lines to the page; in (b) to

pages (ninety-one pagesof text), about - lines to the page. Both

arc in black letter of apparently the same 'font.

For n above (p. 10) I date (a) conje< rca 1530.

It i- not impossible, however, that (/' was the first edition, although it is highly improbable (see notes infra p. 103). Considering the close similarity of the two in typographical appearance it is not likely that they cre separated in date m<>n titan two or three years, (a) is the basis of the t reprint, although all the more important \ M (b) have

l>c-n noted. There is a copy of (a) in the British Museum, and of (4) in the I'.odleian Library at Oxford. Mr. A. W. Pollard of the Bnti>h Museum conjectures from its appearance that (a) was printed -> : Mr. R.

Pro, tor puts it circa 1535. In the British Museum catalogue and by most bibliographers it is put in 1524. Redman, the printer of this work. began bu>ines5 in 1525 and died in 1540. Herbert, however, say- note: "Mr. Ames was informed that he [Redman] began printing in the year 1523 ; but he had not seen any proof of it l> ; : neither have

I" (Herbert's Ames' Tyfiograpkitai Ambitus. London. 1785. Vol. I. p.


This i- the work mentioned b\ Tanner in his list of Cox's works as "De rlut.-rua anuh.-e. Hollmsh. lii 978. Libnim aliquem dedic. Huu'oni abbati Readingiensi." Hollinshed. in the passage referred to. merely mentions Cox as the author of a Rhetoric in Knghsh not mentioned b\ Hale.

6. Latin Verses appearing on the verso of the title-page of John Palsgrave's L* Esclareissemetit de la Lanptt Framtoyst* 1530; folio. As follows :

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