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the "Summaire de Chroniques . . . . translate de Latine en Langaige Françoys, par Maistre Geofroy Tory de Bouses," 1529. He was born at Bourges c. 1485, and died 1533 at Paris. Palsgrave's phrase, above, probably does not mean to refer to him as dead, but as having lately written books. "Son œuvre captiale est ouvrage qu'il composa et publia sous le titre de Champ fleury, auquel est contenu art et science de la due et vraye proportion des lettres attiques, qu'on dit autrement lettres antiques, et vulgairement lettres romaines, proportionnées selon le corps et la visage humain (Paris, 1529) . . . . oh il jette les bases d'une nouvelle grammaire française." (Larousse, Grand Dictionnaire Universal, XV, 325.)

7. Translation of Erasmus' Paraphrase of the Epistle of Paul to Titus, with a Preface. Made in 1534 (see supra p. 13), but apparently not printed till 1549, in "The Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the new Testamente," London, Edw. Whytchurch, 1548-9, two vols., folio; in Vol. II.

Cf. Lowndes, Biblog. mag 748. Described by Tanner as follows: E Latino in Anglicum sermonem, Paraphrasim Erasmi in Paulum aa Titum lib. 4. Pr. ded. mag. Johanni Hales. "After the kinges majestye." London, 1549, ubi se alia industriæ monumenta missu- rum promittit.

[8. Translation of "a boke which Erasmus made of the bringing up of children " : in 1534 See supra p. 13. Probably not printed.]

9. Commentaries upon Lilly: "De octo oration is partium constructione Libellus. editus a Guil. Lilio, emendatus ab Erasmo Roter: & scholiis, non solum Henrici Primæi, verum etiam doctissimis Leonar: Coxi illustratus. Anno M.D.XI." [Colophon:] Ex officina regii Impressoris. Cum privilegio solum. Anno M.D.XI Quarto.

From Herbert's Ames' Typographical Antiquities (London 1785) vol. I, p. 438, among works printed by Thos. Berthelet. Cf. Wood. Athen Oxon. I, 123. Many other editions of this work of Lilly's appeared during the sixteenth century, but none other, I believe, with Cox's Scholia. A copy is said by Herbert to have been " in the collection of Dr. Loft." I have not been able to find one. Referred to in Cox's letters above., pp 14.

[10. Erotemata rhetorica.—Probably not printed, but evidently nearly completed in May 1540. See supra, p. 15.]

[11. (a) The Translation, described by Bale, "é Greco in Latinum venerabilis antiquitatis scriptorem. Marcum de lege et spiritu, lib. I."