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////. AKTK '/ Of- A'///. /'/A.'* KA7: 33

tion and bent of those tiroes was rather towards copie than


��A. Next in point .,( im.e. after Cot, among English rhetoric* waft, perhaps. A ! TVa/r/. Vfry firofytaU* for the totter vm*rUam4img *f g~4

<n t (h,r,, gathered o*t of Ike bit Grammarians > Oraton. by Kychard Sherry. Londoner, 1550. I'artiv rewritten and under an altered title in 1555. This as it* title imp!:, i complete rhetoric, hot is noteworthy a* indicating

the new mtcrot in matter .a even tint early date. The preface U

I interest fi it* discussion of the Mate of contemporary English and ol the work of English authors. Latin rales of rhetoric with English paraphrase*. Brief consideration of style. per>( i hen of tropes and figures, lib chief

authorities a* cited, .. t.lisn. Erasmus. - Mosellane." And "Rodo!

phus Agricola." To the last named he seems to express especiaJ indebtedness.

Other works on rhetoric in England during the century were, (*) "A t~4* called the / ./ Kktton- !,y Richard Kainolde. Maistcr of

Arte, of the I inucrMtic of ( anit.n.l^r. 1565." I^ess a systematic treatise than a discursive consideration of the value and nature of rhetoric, followed by ** Progiai. nasmata " or practical precepts, accompanied with model exercise* or **f tficioai." Of considerable antiquarian interest. Refers to Aphthoniu. Oumtihan. Hcrmoge- nes, and Tully, as the best authorities. Refers in complimentary terms to Wilson's Rhetoric, Imt i^noro <

(f) In Ascham's & hoc/master, 1570, Book II, passim, are numerous fiaiMgTi of rhetorical precept (e. g.. Works ed. Giles, London. 1864, Vol. HI. 184 L. 2O8f. 240 f. cf. 95)-

((f) " The Enimie of IJlentn leaching the maner and stile how to indite. compose, and write, all sorts of Epistles and Letters ... Set forth in English by William Fulwood, Marchant, 1 568." Also 1571.1578.1586.1593.1508.1621. A ready letter-writer in four txM>k.s. In the dedication we are

' For know you sure, I meane not I the cunn:; t. teach : Bat rather

to the vnlearned sort a few precepts to preach." Many model letters, both for common occasions, as well as from Cox's heroes, Hermolaos Barbaras. Angelas Politian, etc. Kvolcntly a translation, at least in part, from some foreign original. Important in th< l.li/abethan M

(f) Hjenrv] ('[eacham], " Tht Garden of EloqutMtt, contetning the most excellent Omarm nations, Lightcs, flowers, ami formes of speech, com-

monly calk.l the (inures of Rhetorike .... Manifested and furnished with Tarietie of examples, i;;; Also 1593, revised, under above title. A mere list and description of tropes and figures, with illustrations chiefly scriptural, partly classi- cal. Unimportant, but another sign of the devotion of the age to "exontation" of speech.

(/) "Gabrielis Harveii Khttor^ vcl duorum dierum Oratio de Natura.

citatione Rhetorica," 1577. An academic essay on the scholastic study of Rhetoric, in praise of the Ciceronian style, ancient and modern, with rales of good

'A similar criticism is made in 1531 by Sir Thos. Eliot, in his ivnMr (ed.

Croft I, 1 1 6).

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