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Page:Arte or Crafte of Rhethoryke - 1899.djvu/43

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��ok CRAFTK OF Kill. I Ho- K\

��[A ii a | the rcucrcnd father in god and hys fingulcr

good lorde the lordc Hughe Fa Abbot of Kedynge his pore

clyent & perpetual fcrua//t I.conardc Cox 1 defyrethe longe and profperoufe lyfe with cncreafe of honour.

ifyderyng my fpecyall good lorde howe greatly and how many waves I am bounden to your lordefhippe. And among all other that in fo greate a nombrc of cunnynge men whiche ar nowe within this region /it hathc pleafid your good net to accept me as worthy to' haue the charge of the inftruetyon 1 and bryngyng uppe 4 of fuche you the as' reforteth to your gramer f< hole, founded by your antecelVours in thys your towne of Kedyng. /I ftudied a longe fpace what thynge I myght do next the bufy and dylygent occupyeng of my felfe in your faide fcruyce/to the whiche bothe confciens & your ftepend* doth ftreyghtly : bynde me, that myght be a fygnyfycaciow of my faythfull and feruifable harte whiche I owe to your lordefhyppe / and agayne a longe memorve bothe of your fynguler and benefycyall [A ii b ] fauore towarde me : And of myne indultrie and dylygence employed in your feruycc to fome profyte or at the lefte way to fome delectacion of the inhabytau*tes of this noble realme nowe florvffhyng* vnder the moft excellent and victorioufe prynce our Souerayne Lorde kynge Henry the .viii.

  • And when I hade thus longe prepenfyd in my mynde what

thynge I myght befte chofe out/ none off rede it felfe more conuen- yent to the profyte of yonge ftudientes,' whiche youre good lorde- fhyppe hathe all waves tenderly fauored/and alfo meter to my pro- feifyon, then to make fome proper worke of the ryght pleafaunt and parfuadyble 10 arte of Rhetoryke / whiche as it is very neceflary to all fuche as wyll eyther be aduocates and proctoures in the lawe, or els apte to be fente in theyr prynces / AmbaflTades / or to be

1 B. Cockes. * H. ftipcndc.

B. for to. B. araytly.

3li. inrtruction. B. floanrThyogc.

B. vp. *B, Audentc*.

  • Defective i* A../*rAt/f yt(=th*t). RM. B. perfaadibk.


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