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II the alfo another oracyon / (B tin I, ) whiche be made
as touchynge a lawe decreed for the diuifion of feldes amooge the < :iiunr> .mi of | | amonge them /on thi wyfe.
K The inaner a r olde faders of Rome bathe I*
&c. And this is the mancr of prefaces in any oracyon / whicbe is allb oblerued in the? makinge of epyftles / bowe be it there is fane lelle crafte in them than is in an oracyon.
Th. an other fourme & inaner to 1* ifJDMafiftP '
\\licrfore it behoueth to knowe that mfmuacion is/whaiv in the begynnyng / yf the n . nat laudable or honcft / we find an
excute therfore.
mplc/ H.Miiere in his lliadc dcfrnbeth one Thcrfuc* / that he was molte foule and uvll fauored of all the Grckcs that came to the lut.ivlr / for be was both gogle eyed /and lame on
the one legge / with croked and penched fhulders / and a longe pyked hede / balde in very many places. And bcfydc theic fautes he was a great folylThc babler / and ryght foulc mouthed / and ful of debate and liryfc / carry nge alwayes agaynft the heddes and men of the armye.
Nowe if one wolde take vpon hym to make an oracion to the prayle of [ t |his lolel / whichc mater is of litle honelty in it fclfe / 1 \\ \ a | he inuit vie in ttede of a preface an infinuacion. That what thy nge poetes or commune fame doth eythcr prayle or difpnufe ought nat to be gyuen credence to/ but rather to be fufpccte. For ones it is the nature of poetes to favne and Ive / as bothff Homrrc
neiie the/// lelfe. Of whome Hi.mcrc lay th/ that poetes make many I / and Virgile he fayth 1 In part of the fcne is but
deceyte. Poetes haue leiu- Make Ibules vndcr the erthe / poetes haue faynod and made- many Ive^ of the pale kvnjJomeof PUtftV and of the water of Stegie / and of dogges in hell. And agayne commune rumours howe often they U-n vavnc / it is Ib ojicn that it nede nat to be decla: that the hearers mylj
more re^ardc his lay nge then' fayned fables of poetes / and flejrng tales of lyght fokes / whiche ar for the more pane the grounders of fame and rumou
iutomfoM A ,iWB. than.
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