Page:Arte or Crafte of Rhethoryke - 1899.djvu/59

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' to the emperoti ke and Maximilian bis Ton

/ \\hi-hr i,, i I,., i-iit- tt i to lontf I let it pufic A tyke en (am pic > in Tul lye / that hi the people of Rome for I'om

/ to be lent agaynfte Mythrydates.

Some there be that deuide the landes' of perfont into kyndes of goodes be. the narration at them / whichc

o our author dothe not great .cnde / but rather in

reherlyng of any pcrlbns dcdes / yf : nat be kept an order

of hiftoric / and many thviu'e^ mult he Ipoken. It were aft. my mlc bclte to louche fyrit Ins actes done by prudence / & by i ult ice / thyrdely by fortitude* of the mynde / and laft by tenv peratmce / and Ib to :;athe: icion out of this foure cardinall

vertu. : tnc fhuld | \uften / after that he hath

spoke// of Ins parentelej I'.un l.| and l>r\n-vn^e \p in youth /and is come to the rehertall of his actes /thr conueniently dif-

tributed into thr pla< o o! this maner dyd I'ully

j)raylc 1 \nnpey.

I luppoh- Mayelh he) that in hym that shulde be a hcd capitayne oner a great army ought to be four thynges. Knowlegeof werre/ valiantnes/ auctoritie/ & !

Here is to be noted that in rchertynge any perso*es actes / we may haue our chiefe refpecte to Ionic peculiare and pryno-pall vertue in hym / enlargynge and exaltynge it by amplificacio* in maner of a digrell "io//.

Our author in this worke maketh no n of the laste place

that is deathe and fuche thynges as folowe after / but in an other greater worke he declare! h it thus briefly. The dethe of the per- lone hathe alfo his prayfes /as of fuche whiche hauc ben flayne for the defence of theyr < ontrey or prynce.

A VCM\ goodly enfample for the handelynge of this place b an epiitle that Angele Policiane writeth in his fourth boke of epistels to James Antiquaric of Laurence I / howe wylely anddeuoutly

he dyfpoled hym felfe in his dethe bed /and of his departynge/ and what rhaunfcd at that tyme.

[C i a | And fo to conclude [,] an oracion Demonftratiue/

wherein perlbnes arc lauded / is an hirtorycall cxpolycyon of all his

11 order. And there is no difference betweene this kynde and

. for lauilcs. im MM A WB.

  • From B; A. fortum Mel.

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