r /-.-//// <'/ A7// ///OA)A/ 87
��dye intd t.itr / his monye \ other goodet fhall reuiaync to bit n< kyn. It chaunccd one to kyll his ownc mother / wherupon he was taken and condempned to deathe / but whyl< Ton / cer-
tayne of his famili.irc frc//dcs cam thyther lo hym / and brought with them a clerke to wryte his tef lament / whi< he he there made/ \ made fuche executours as it plcafcd h er bis dcth .
kynnetim -n < hale//gc his goodcs, hi.s r* fay them nay/
wherupon aryleth lontroucrly afore the I tilt ice.
I liere is no lawe made vpon this cafe /whether he that hathe kylled his mother may make any tel't.iinc//t or nat / but it may be reaibned on bothe p<//tycs by the lawes aboue rehcrfcd. 'I'hc kynf- men I hall allege the lawe made for them that be out of th< myndes/ prefuppofynge hym nat to be in muthc other cafe /or ell he wolde nat hauc done the dede. The contrary parte Thai allege the other lawe /and fhewc that it was none alienacion of mynde : but Tome other [ 1- iii b] raufe that moucd hym to it /and that he hathe had his punyff hmcnt therfore / which he fhulde nat haue fuf- fred of cowuenient if he had benc befydc hym iclfe.
- it'laion is whit he the lawyers cal excepcion / as yf a per-
Ion accufed pleade that it is nat lawfull for the tothcr to accufehym/ or that the Juge can be no iuge in that caufe. &c.
The (OIK lufion of the Author.
Thele are my I'peciall and finguler goode Lordc whichc I haue purpoled to wryte as touchyng the cheyf poynt of Me .iiii. that I iayd in the begynnyng to long to a Rhetoricien / and which is more dif- ficulty thaw the other .ni. fo that it ones had / there is no very great mayftry to come by the refydue. Natwithftandynge yf 1 fe that it be fyrft acceptable to your good lordfhip in whom nextc god and his holy laintes I haue put my rhycf confidence and truft / and after that yf I fynde that it feme to the redcrs a thyng worthy to be loked on /and that your lordfhyp and they thynkc nat my labour take in vayne : I will allay my felfe in the other panes / and fo make and accoMplyfi "he the hole werke. But nowe 1 haue folowed the facion of Tully / who made a 1 cue rail werke'of inuen- cion. And [F iv a] though many thynges be left out of this trea- t yfe that ought to be fpoken of /yet I fuppolc that this fhall be . fufficyent for an introductyon to yonge bcgynners / for who all! onely this boke is made. For other that benc en t red all redy f hal) haue Ivtle nede of my labour /but they may fekc more meter
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