Page:Arthur Stringer - Gun Runner.djvu/107

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"If you must know, by holding back certain despatches.

But whose despatches?" still demanded the woman.

"Despatches for the man he's shadowing, of course."

"But still you don't tell me who this man is!" cried the impatient woman. McKinnon obviously found it hard to fathom the source of her anxieties.

"I mean this man called Ganley," he explained, concealing his growing impatience.

"Ganley!" echoed the woman.

"Yes, Ganley," retorted the other. He noticed that her breath was coming in short gasps by this time and that her face was as white as his cabin walls.

"Ganley!" she cried. "Why, the man who went out of this cabin five minutes ago is Ganley!"