Page:Arthur Stringer - Gun Runner.djvu/361

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"No," he told her, as he swung up to his embrasure again. "But they've found out just what they've got to face!"

"What will they do?"

"It looks as though they're going to try different tactics now. They'll take their time, after this, and try to grill us out. Don't give way, please! Don't imagine——"

But he did not stop to finish, for he braced his smoke~blackened shoulders and fired, and peered forward, and fired again, and still again.

"They think they can dishearten us, now, with sniping," he told her. "It'll be a waiting game, I'm afraid .... but you mustn't give way!”

The pallor of her face had disturbed and worried him. But what was disturbing him more was the thought that they might at any time bring up a field-gun, and end his last and only hope.

It was this fear that clung to him, and took the marrow out of his courage, and made the long, hot hours of mid-day seem purgatorial in their endlessness. But still he watched and sighted and fired, and reloaded, and fired again, grimly, doggedly, pertinaciously, giving them a counter-challenge for every challenge they sent in to him.

Then mid-day lengthened into afternoon, and