Page:Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu/202

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"I make a haul o' loose joolry now and then!" Sadie recklessly acknowledged. "And now and then I get sumpin worth more'n joolry!"

"Such as?" inquired her companion.

"Yuh see," explained Sadie, "I hit one o' the best hotels, rent a room for a day and get a key. But b'fore I give up me room I beat it over to me own little joint, cut a dooplicate o' that hotel key and hand in the original. Then I blow up from the Palm Room or the Fox Trottery when the next party is out, and fine 'em a bunch o' rhinestones for not keepin' their jools under cover!"

"And I assume you are working this hotel at this particular moment?"

Sadie smiled.

"Oh, I slipped into four twenty-seven jus' for the sake of old times," she audaciously announced. Wallaby Sam, with knife and fork poised upright, sat studying her serene-eyed young face. For she had taken the trouble, before approaching him, to ascertain from the office the exact number of Breitman's quarters in the Alsatia.

"So you were in four twenty-seven?" he meditatively repeated.