Page:Arthur Stringer - The Hand of Peril.djvu/112

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some quarter or other, ever since we landed from that steamer? We've been shadowed. And don't you suppose we'll be shadowed until we go aboard the Mauretania to-night? That's why we're going to turn Lambert's trick on his own gang and go over the side into a lighter when they imagine we're safe in our cabin. This is a stage of the game, Wilsnach, when we've got to make good, as they say on this side of the water."

"I'm ready," said Wilsnach, not without relish, as he sat thinking the situation over.

"Then here's where we start," announced the listless-eyed Secret Agent as he rose from the table and glanced casually about. But Wilsnach, as he followed him into the open, knew that listless glance was only a mask behind which a quick brain was already at work.