Page:Arthur Stringer - The Hand of Peril.djvu/226

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"We're too late!" gasped Kestner.

He suddenly turned about and caught Wilsnach by the coat sleeve.

"You got that man Carlesi?" he demanded. And his heart went down as he read the answer on Wilsnach's somewhat bewildered face, even before his lips spoke the words.

"I thought I had him cornered, but he gave me the slip!"

Kestner's hand dropped.

"O God, what a mess for one morning!" he breathed aloud.

Wilsnach stepped back a little and stared at his superior. It was not often that Kestner lapsed into emotionalism over trivialities.

"But this man Carlesi is only small potatoes," argued Wilsnach. "He's nothing but—"

"Never mind what he is," cut in Kestner, "we've got to get that man if it takes us round the world!"