Page:Arthur Stringer - Twin Tales.djvu/109

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member of the firm of Shotwell, Attridge and Bannister, speaking," a suave and dignified voice announced over the wire, once she had acknowledged her identity. "And I've been wondering, Miss Hayden, if it would be convenient for you to drop down to my office some time this afternoon for a short conference?"

"And what would the nature and object of that conference be?" inquired Teddie, as coolly as she was able.

"That, I'm afraid, is a matter it would be inexpedient to discuss over the telephone," was the none too tranquillizing response. "But I might mention that the client whose interests I am compelled to look after in this case is Mr. Raoul Uhlan, the well-known portrait-painter."

A cold chill crept slowly up through Teddie 's body.

"I really don't think it would be possible for me to come down to your office," she said in an exceptionally controlled voice. She was going to add "Either this afternoon or any other afternoon," but instinct told her to suppress the impulse.