Page:Arthur Stringer - Twin Tales.djvu/141

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cramp in the coco and can't dream up cable-despatches any more."

"And supposing our Romeo doesn't weaken?"

"He can't help it. But if he's crazy enough not to, I'll bring Gunboat Dorgan up there myself. And if that doesn't turn the trick, I'll call the rotter out myself and give 'im what he deserves. And if that doesn't work, I'll put a bullet into him!"

The man from The Star office smiled a bit wearily.

"Say, Gerry, doesn't this strike you as going pretty far for a mere client?"

"A mere client!" echoed the other. "A mere client?" he repeated as he looked his confederate straight in the eye. "She's a darned sight more than that. She's the girl, please God, that I 'm going to marry!"

"So at last I get you," announced the solemn-eyed Louis as he reached over the desk-end and solemnly shook hands with the other man. "And now I'll know how to put the screws to that palette-scraper!"

"Then let's get busy," suggested Gerry as he reached for his hat and coat, after a