Page:Arthur Stringer - Twin Tales.djvu/171

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"I am not!" was Teddie's quiet but distinct-noted reply.

"Are yuh goin' to be?" queried the narrow-eyed Gunboat.

"I am not going to be," replied Teddie, with an opaque eye on a slightly crestfallen young attorney.

Gunboat shook his cauliflower ear in a little nod of comprehension. Then he turned back to the girl.

"All right, then. I'm takin' care of yuh. Remember that. We'll cut out the hot-air artists and get busy. And that brings us round to this newspaper boob. He's got the whole story of what's been happenin' here, and he's talkin' big about puttin' it into print. I heard him wit' my own——"

"He won't put it into print," interrupted Gerry.

"What'll stop him?" demanded the man of battle.

"The knowledge of what we'd both do to him if he tried it," announced the expounder of law, doing his best to overlook Gunboat's oblique glance of contempt.