Page:Arthur Stringer - Twin Tales.djvu/176

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"How about my wishes in the matter?" she asked with a slow and pointed emphasis which brought a wince to even Gunboat Dorgan's Celtic eyes.

"Just a minute, yuh folks," suggested the perturbed man of the ring. "This actin' as though yuh was married for ten years ain't goin' to bury any tomahawks and end the war-dance! There's been too much pullin' at cross——"

But it was Gunboat's turn to be interrupted. That final interruption came in the form of the unceremonious flinging back of the studio-door, disclosing the bristling but the immaculate figure of Teddie's Uncle Chandler.

"What's wrong here, Teddie?" demanded that perplexed-eyed old gentleman, striding into the room with all the dignity his sciatica would permit.

"She wants to go home," said Gerry. And as he said those five words in a singularly dull tone his hands went down to his sides. The movement, in some way, was oddly suggestive of flying colors forlornly lowered.