Page:Arthur Stringer - Twin Tales.djvu/41

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taking the veil. But the Shelley with the melancholy eyes unfortunately developed a cough and for the sake of his health was transferred to a curacy in southern California. This deportation gave every promise of fanning the flame which it should have tempered, translating the exile into a figure ideally romantic—until Teddie learned that on his western migration he had inconsiderately married a certain ex-contralto of the First Presbyterian Church who had graduated into the Chautauqua Circuit.

Teddie thereupon threw herself into golf and spent whole days on the Tuxedo links, and the gardenia-white once more darkened down to the beechnut brown. She became as hard as nails, both in body and spirit, and did her best to forget to remember her asthmatic young curate's pet story of the Bishop who said "Assouan" every time he fuzzled the turf, because Assouan, of course, was acknowledged to be the biggest "dam" in the world.

But the time came when Teddie was tired of golf, just as tired of making the