Page:Arthur Stringer - Twin Tales.djvu/89

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on Gunnie's personal affairs," announced a somewhat dignified Miss Reamer, remembering that the lady on the other end of the wire was much more attractive than anything she could fashion out of pastels. "But when Gunnie makes a date he's never held himself above explainin' it to me."

Teddie fortified herself with a deep breath.

"Then suppose we leave the explaining to him, when he feels that the psychological moment has arrived," she suggested. "So I'll be obliged if you can tell me just where and how I might get in touch with Mr. Dorgan?"

"I guess maybe you'll find him at the Aldine Athletic Club about this time any morning," Ruby finally conceded, without any perceptible decrease of dignity. And with that the conference ended.

It took time, however, to get in touch with the gentleman in question. It was, in fact, three long hours before Gunboat had finished with his boxing-class at the Aldine Athletic Club, had taken his shower and his rub-down, and had apparelled himself in