I kill thee, make thee away, translate thy life 59
into death, thy liberty into bondage. I will deal
in poison with thee, or in bastinado, or in steel;
I will bandy with thee in faction; I will o'errun
thee with policy; I will kill thee a hundred and
fifty ways: therefore tremble, and depart. 64
Aud. Do, good William.
Will. God rest you merry, sir. Exit.
Enter Corin.
Cor. Our master and mistress seek you:
come, away, away! 68
Touch. Trip, Audrey! trip, Audrey! I attend,
I attend. Exeunt.
Scene Two
[Another Part of the Forest]
Enter Orlando and Oliver.
Orl. Is 't possible that on so little acquaint-
ance you should like her? that, but seeing, you
should love her? and, loving, woo? and, wooing,
she should grant? and will you persever to enjoy
her? 5
Oli. Neither call the giddiness of it in ques-
tion, the poverty of her, the small acquaintance,
my sudden wooing, nor her sudden consenting;
but say with me, I love Aliena; say with her,
that she loves me; consent with both, that we
may enjoy each other: it shall be to your good;
for my father's house and all the revenue that
59 translate: transform
61 bastinado: beating with a stick
62 bandy: strive
faction: dissension
o'errun: overwhelm
63 policy: craft
6 call . . . in question: scrutinize, inquire into