Page:As You Like It (1919) Yale.djvu/30

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As You Like It, I. iii

But that the people praise her for her virtues,
And pity her for her good father's sake;
And, on my life, his malice 'gainst the lady
Will suddenly break forth. Sir, fare you well: 300
Hereafter, in a better world than this,
I shall desire more love and knowledge of you.

Orl. I rest much bounden to you: fare you well.

[Exit Le Beau.]

Thus must I from the smoke into the smother; 304
From tyrant duke unto a tyrant brother.
But heavenly Rosalind! Exit.

Scene Three

[A Room in the Palace]

Enter Celia and Rosalind.

Cel. Why, cousin! why, Rosalind! Cupid
have mercy! Not a word?

Ros. Not one to throw at a dog. 3

Cel. No, thy words are too precious to be cast
away upon curs; throw some of them at me;
come, lame me with reasons.

Ros. Then there were two cousins laid up;
when the one should be lamed with reasons and
the other mad without any. 9

Cel. But is all this for your father?

Ros. No, some of it is for my child's father:
O, how full of briers is this working-day world!

Cel. They are but burrs, cousin, thrown upon
thee in holiday foolery: if we walk not in the
trodden paths, our very petticoats will catch
them. 16

301 better world: i.e., in a better age, or state of affairs
303 bounden: obliged
304 smoke . . . smother; cf. n.