Page:Asoka - the Buddhist Emperor of India.djvu/277

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Maudgalâyana, disciple of Buddba, 254.
Maurya. dynasty. 13, 19, 71; chronology, 72; suzerainty, 79; court, 90; Persian customs, 100; navy, 101; government, 104, 138; jewellery, &c., 137; civilization, 140; art, 143; clan, 232.
Mâyâ, doctrine of, 62, 63.
McCrind1e, works of, 17 n., 86 n.
Meerut (Mîrath), pillar from, 121, 146.
Megasthenes, 16, 17 n., 72, 82.
Mesopotamia, 140.
Mihintalé, monastery, 240.
Mînâr, pillars=milestones, 91 n.
Minor Rock Edicts, distribution of, 132; versions of, 149-54.
Missa, mountain, 239.
Missi dominici, of Charlemagne, 199, 214.
Missionaries, names of, 44, 45, 238.
Missions, Asoka's network of, 42.
Moggali (Mogali), father of Tishya (3). 45, 236, 243, 244.
Monasteries, of Asoka, 109, 139.
Mongolia, Buddhism in, 46.
Monk, 215, 218.
Mudrâ Râkshasa, drama, 17 n., 22 n.
Muṇḍa, king, 247.
Mysore, mission to, 44, 2 38.

Nâblfiiapaṁtis of Nâbhaka, 42, 186. Nâgârjuni Hills, caves in, 70, 134; cave dedications in, 225. Nâlandâ, buildings at, 110.
Nanda, dynasty, 13, 104, 231.
Nangrahar (Nangnahar), stûpa at, 76.
Navy, in Maurya. age, 101,
Nepâl, 77, 81.
Niglîva, inscribed pillar at, 39,77, 124, 148, 224.
Nigrodha, legend of, 233, 236.
Nikâya, meaning of, 184, 208.
Nirgranthas = Jains, q. v., 49.
Nirvâna, doctrine of, 64.
Niśśanka Malla, king of Ceylon, 182.
Nîti-śâstras treatises, 196.
Nun, 215, 218.
Nunneries, 139.

Omar, Khaîf, 21.
Omphis, king of Taxila, 12, 72.
Onions, prejudice against, 264, 265.
Order, the Buddhist, 149, 150.
'Ordination', Buddhist, 38, 156.
Orissa, 187, 193.
Oxen, racing, 90.
Oxyartes, satrap, 11.

Pads, scribe, 150.
Paithan, town, 170.
Palaces, Maurya, 85, 107.
Pali canon or scriptures, 63, 156.
Pallava, kingdom, 49.
Pandretghan, city, 76.
Pandyu, kingdom or country, 43, 49, 160, 186.
Panjâb, Pôros and Omphis, lords of, 12.
Parishad (parisâ), meaning of, 164.
Parkham. statue at, 116.
Paropanisadai, satrapy, 11, 15, 75.
Pâsaṁda (Pâshaṇḍa), meaning of, 170, 183.
Paśupati, shrine of, 78.
Pâṭaliputra (Patna), the Maurya Capital. 13, 16, 28 n. 50, 72, 105, 167, 169, 215, 232, 247, 249, 255; hospital at, 66; described, 84, 85, 107; administration of, 86; communications of, 91; procession at, 165; Council of, 217. Pâtan, city, 77, 78.
Patna = Pâṭaliputra, q. v., 16; railings at, 114.
Patrokles, officer, 19.
Paul, St., 21.
Pegu, .Asoka.‘s alleged mission to, 44.
Peithon, son of Agênor, 11.