^J^ifa first ni0f* /or p/ayttftr/ Pkut/itkUtJ^I . "A friend asked me if I could play the Hawaiian Guitar. I told him I'd only been playing for a few weal but bo said, 'Comealo anyway, and play at danoe, I made out very well, and was paid (16 for my first night's work. And I see more opportunities ahead.'* — ItALPH PRIgZMAN. Lehigh- MOST of the world works for a living— works hard, too. But that doesn't mean you nave to. Why ■at ptoy for a living? Do something you like to do, and ■afce it pay you big money. Plenty of men and women trho bad a hard time to get along nix months ago — are sjcFv making from $50 to $100 a week — playing their Hawaiian Guitars. And they didn't know how to read • Ogle note of music when they came to me. jMs« r lea's Moit Popular Mmle The haunting, soft, melodious strumming of theHawsJianGuitu h iajsrica's most popular music. Everywhere orchestras arc look* (ssssTBsn and women who can play the Hawaiian Guitar. Every* g£sjs those who have mastered the Hawaiian Guitar are getting add Bon and more money. Hoy Rrtk&ne writes in, " I have mode faBO sasra money in 6 weeks playing my Hawaiian Guitar." tofcoa E. Bearbro recently wrote mc, " I have made 11,000 since k jem^Qourse." Granville Smith writes, "I make IS a nigh I ^^ap {jI%0*^^DU Hundreds of sues letters tune tome in. But let mc tdl you about my short-cut to good timet and big pay— my simplified method of homing to ptoy the Hawaiian Ouilar at home in a few Vwks. A new method — so easy to understand— to much fun to learn — Oiat even a child can pick it up. (We home suecesafully taught chil- dren only 8 years of age.) Ftetara Instead olWord*, Teach T«>u I goat ears If you have never read a Dote In your life, or don't know - issnDsn Ou!lar loots like. All I ask la that you Whs muala, uds are so clear and easy to understand that you will actually si melody after the very first lesson. Bounds uncanny, doesn't fa how 1 do 1L paw lessoDs I send oosang of photographs showing hart how to r fingers, bow to strum the a trims a. My Kno-AU and Ussier sch you to read notes attnoat automalsaDy. Si a as simple as poor A B C's over again, bomo of our students becumu Dnlsued •gas nm month, others iako a liuie longer, but Ibcy all karn VonmiotmlT If* a Sure Curat Ones you have mafltered the Hawaiian Guitar, the world lies waiting at your feet. You c»o travtd anywhere, meet the bart people, live In real style and comfort, and gain « bom cl fffroda. All this Is yours, wait- ing lor you, if you are willing to this &m HAWAIIAN GUITAR iwcnin Htm IfiMTta •■•graph vfti of K* u f J-*** ooot mkB a glade KIM. To auks sure that you »o wrong, we send you a o( regular Dhoocvrapb. ■MBlawwhlch ta recorded ■Veabearreet iniOMw mistakes, F —BP* yro ol perfect leeh- g**nb the se reco rds to guldt _f y ™™»« r 5«'NQ your pUy- ZJL £23* l "rrecteU. these ■Msaasgsnsnlutdy free with the
- ~— ' f ars an eicrUrnt addition
'l^lnssiflusga as weD Send for FREE BOCK ITSHONff YMI IKW Everything Is explained. Every last tns 01 proof IsglTen you. It shows you just how yon can master the Hawaiian Guitar at home tn double-quick tunc llow you risk absolutely nothing to loam. How I aend everything you need. Get on the read to Big Pay and Pkassn Today- Write Now! H j w.- N S» TcJ^if 5 iTzfl of Now Ysrfc Aef J " 100 Filth Am Without obi Hawaiian Way to 1 tacts on bow I car tine or full-time. Name. . . . Pl-asc mention Newsstand Group — Men's List, when answering advertisements