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You folks must think I can't play/" / cried, when they laughed at my offer 71 IT was the monthly get* together of our little group and the fun was at hi height. Mabel had just finished a touching version of "Frankio ■ n I < " folks hear that? ' Jim said he'd MM no Johnnie" when I offered. Did "Boy! Thts is going to be good t Did you forks "7 /mended _ Drawing myself up witrTmock dignity, I said, "Yon folks must think I can't play! Why, the very idea!" Tbis canted fresh explosion of . "Can't play I" called someone. cried Tom. to be highly insulted. "Say, if I could play as well 'as you, I'd be digging ditches right nowl Setting myself at the piano I held up my hand to command silence. Then, with a good many flourishes I opened! "Swanee River,' turned it upside down, and began to play. And how II traveled up and down that keyboard wir L ~ Tom called for mercy, demanded, "Now who uys I can't play?' You win !"camefrom •II sides. "Only please «Wt demonstrate any more, for the love of tSr it instead of getting up from the piano, I sud- denly swung into the ■ttssting strains of "The Pigan Love Song." But mm what a difference! Jhti was not clowning, wit real music I played M I had always longed » — beautifully, effort- Hytt real skill No wonder the crowd ««U hardly believe their

  • ! The moment the

t was finished they le with PICK YOUR COURSE Plan* Organ UkuItU Cornel Trow bone Piccolo Guitar nueatkma. Where had T teamed to play? When had I itudiedf Who ow my teacher t Why had I kept ft a secret? How I Taught Myself to Play I told them the whole story. Ever since 1 was a child, I had been crazy about music Bat, like moat children, 1 hated lo practice. That's why, after a, few desultory attempts, my mnsio lessons were given up, and I had to content myself with healing others play. But every lime I pepped up a party with ray one-finger clowning the long- ing to really play returned. However. I had no time now to take lessons and spend hours practicing, to say nothing of the expense of a private teacher. Then one day I happened to come across an ad of theU. S. School of Music "Why, that's a correspondence school, isn't it?" interrupted Tom. "Yes," I told him. "The ad offered a Free Demonstration Lesson to prove how easy it is to learn to play at home, without a teacher, in one's spare time. I sent for it. "It was great. I decid- ed to take the course. I learned in my spare lime, after work, and thor- No print* Violin Clarinet Fists flnsJ^ntrsl (Plectrum. 5- oughlv enjoyed each les- son. For there are no long hours of practice — -no tiresome scales — the U. S. School of Music way. Almost hefru- knew it, I was able to play all the pieces I had always longed to play — jazz, classical, anything. But I didn't want to tell you folks until I was sure myself — you know, no clowning. » " They were dumbfound- ed. But in a moment they demanded piece after piece — dance music, ballads, snappy songs. Now I'm never invited anywhere that I'm not practically forced to entertain with my music. As Tom says, learning to really play has cer- tainly made me popular 1 No Talent Needed luil a. For the U. S. School coons presents story IMni tn lucta s coneUe. srepnle way— so clear and simple — itast a otaUd could undar- sUnd It. First you are tetd wbat to d a picture ikom you bow to " do It yonnalf and sear teachoT could mass It any < Send NOW for Free Book We will be tlsd to sand you onr mut- inied Free Book and Free DcuKBUSrsilaB. Lemxsu which explain sll about tola re- markable method whereby over half a mUnoa men and women bare learned to play Utah* favorite lnsirumfota bp mta. if you really want to leant to play. Uk> this opportunity to make your dreams eons true. Bin the coupon below and send 11 Nowl Instrument supplied when Deedarj cash or credit. U. H. SCHOOL Of MUSIC. BOB LI Bruniwkk Bide, New Tort OUy. U. 8. SCHOOL OF MUSIC. SOU liwsswkk less.. RewTerk Gty Please send me your free hook. tlon by Dr. Frank Crane, tun Leuon and parti.-ulars^ofjtoui^ aMy^pay- Address— aty Please mention Newsstand Group — Men's List, when advertisements