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Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/312

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xiv. 2

The Anukr. is not content with this length of hymn, but adds three more pieces from other parts of the Veda to fill up the "wedding of Sūryā": sahṛdayam (iii. 30. 1) ity atharvā sāumyam ⌊sāmmanasyam?⌋ ānuṣṭubham ā no agna (ii. 36. 1) iti pativedanaḥ sāumyaṁ trāiṣṭubhaṁ vi hī (xx. 126. 1) ’ti tryadhikāi ”ndrotryadhikam āindro?vṛṣākapir indrāṇi ’ndraç ca (mss. -drasya) samūdire pān̄ktam ity eṣa sāutyavivāha iti.

⌊Here ends the second anuvāka, with 1 hymn (but see pages 738-9) and 75 verses. The quoted Anukr. says pañcasaptatir uttaraḥ (see p. 738).⌋

⌊Some mss. sum up the book as of 2 hymns and 139 verses (see p. 739).⌋

⌊Here ends the twenty-ninth prapāṭhaka.⌋