Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/375

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-xviii. 2
Part II., verses 14-18.—The Yama-verses of RV. x. 154, in the order 1, 4, 2, 3, 5.

The "measuring-verses," 38-45, form a sequence by themselves, and do not recur elsewhere, so far as I know. Compare Caland's Todtengebräuche, p. 145.

For the rest, RV. verses occur only sporadically:

our 19 = RV. i. 22. 15 our 54 = RV. x. 17. 3
our 33 = RV. x. 17. 2 our 55 = RV. x. 17. 4
our 35 ab = RV. x. 15. 14 ab our 58 = RV. x. 16. 7
our 35 cd = RV. x. 15. 13 cd our 59 cd = RV. x. 18. 9 cd
our 50 cd = RV. x. 18. 11 cd our 60 ab = RV. x. 18. 9 ab

It may be added that a considerable part of the material of the hymn is naturally found in the pitṛmedhaprapāṭhaka (vi.) of the TA.: that is to say, all the RV. verses of Part I. or all of it save our vs. 9; and 3 verses of Part II., our 14, 17, 16 = RV. verses 1, 3, 2; and, besides, our vs. 25 and about 8 of the last 11 verses. Of the verses last mentioned, vs. 25 and vss. 56 and 57 seem to be peculiar to AV. and TA.—Finally, several fragments (9 ab, 26 ab, 49 ab) recur elsewhere in the AV.; and 33 is properly inseparable from 1. 53.—The TA. readings correspond more nearly with those of RV. than with those of AV.—Verse 51 is a variation of 50: compare the relation of 1. 57 and 56.⌋

Translated: by Weber, Sb. 1895, pages 842-866; Griffith, ii. 227;—verses 9 and 20-59, by Ludwig, pages 482-484 (for vss. 32-33, see p. 332); a considerable number also by Muir, v. 293-296, 304; and the RV. verses, of course, by the RV. translators.—For an analysis of the hymn with reference to its contents, see Weber, p. 843.

1. For Yama the soma purifies itself; for Yama is made the oblation; to Yama goes the sacrifice, messengered by Agni, made satisfactory.

The verse corresponds to RV. x. 14. 13, which, however, in a reads sómaṁ sunuta, and in b juhutā (for kriyate). TA. (vi. 5. 1) agrees with RV. in both points, but has gachatu in c. The comm. reads at the end alaṁkṛtas.

⌊Verses 1, 2, and 3 of this hymn are used (Kāuç. 81. 36) in one continuous sequence with the last four of the preceding hymn (iti saṁhitāḥ sapta!), to accompany the oblations to Yama in the cremation ceremony: for details, see my note to xviii. 1. 49.⌋

2. Offer ye to Yama what is most honeyed, and stand forth; this homage to the former-born, the former, the path-making seers.

This verse and the next correspond to RV. x. 14. 15 and 14, save that RV. makes our 2 b and 3 b change places* and they become respectively its 14 b and 15 b, the double inversion thus leaving our 2 b and 3 b in the same relative position in both texts. TA. (in vi. 5. l) agrees throughout with RV., both in this verse and the next. Our 2 b agrees also with RV. i. 15. 9 b. But RV. in both places has, like TA., juhóta for our juhótā.

*⌊The case is interesting as showing how easily the component elements of many of these verses may be shuffled about without detriment to what we may, out of politeness to the Rishis, call the "sequence of thought." The result of the transpositions is best shown by parallel columns, thus:

RV. x. 14. 14 ab.

yamā́ya ghṛtávad dhavír
juhóta prá ca tiṣṭhata.

RV. x. 14. 15 ab.

yamā́ya mádhumattamaṁ
rā́jñe havyáṁ juhotana.

AV. xviii. 2. 3 ab.

yamā́ya ghṛtávat páyo
rā́jñe havír juhotana.

AV. xviii. 2. 2 ab.

yamā́ya mádhumattamaṁ
juhótā prá ca tiṣṭhata.