Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/533

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-xix. 54

6. Time created the earth; in time burns (tap) the sun; in time [are] all existences; in time the eye looks abroad.

Our bhū́mim in a is an emendation for the bhūtím of the mss.: SPP. accepts bhūtím; the comm. explains it as = bhavanavaj jagat. Ppp. reads bhūtam asṛjat; it also omits ha in c.

7. In time is mind, in time is breath, in time is name collected (sam-ā-dhā); by time, when arrived, all these creatures (prajā́) are glad (nand).

This and the remaining three verses of the hymn are found in Ppp. xii., with the following hymn, without any ⌊real⌋ variants in the four verses.

8. In time is fervor, in time is what is chief, in time is the bráhman collected; time is the lord (īçvará) of all, who was father of Prajāpati.

All the pada-mss. except one, resolve pitā́sīt in d into pitā́: āsīt; SPP. reads ā́sīt. In spite of the repetition of kālé between, jyéṣṭam and bráhma may be conjectured to belong together: cf. x. 7. 24, 32-34; xi. 5. 5, 23. ⌊Note that the usual RV. accent is jyéṣṭha, and that the usual AV. accent is jyeṣṭhá; and that AV. has the RV. accent only in books xix. and xx. and in a RV. passage, at v. 2. 1.⌋

9. Sent by it, born by it, in it is this (tát) set firm; time, becoming the bráhman, bears the most exalted one.

We should expect janitam 'generated' in a. The comm. understands understands as iṣitam or kāmitam.

10. Time generated progeny, time in the beginning Prajāpati; the self-existent Kaçyapa from time, fervor from time was born.

The comm. identifies Kaçyapa with the eighth sun as taught in TA. i. 7. 1. ⌊Cf. Bloomfield's remarks, at AJP. xvii. 403, on the kaçyapaḥ paçyako bhavati of TA. i. 8. 8.⌋ Ppp. combines in b kālo ‘gre.

54. Praise of time.

[Bhṛgu etc. (as 53).—pañcakam. 2. 3-p. ārṣī gāyatrī; 5 ⌊5 and 6 of the Berlin ed.⌋. 3-av. 6-p. virāḍ aṣṭi.

Properly a part of the same hymn with the preceding, and found with vss. 7-10 of the latter in Pāipp. xii. See under hymn 53.

Translated: Muir, v. 409; Ludwig, p. 191; Scherman, Philosophische Hymnen, p. 80; Deussen, Geschichte, i. 1. 212; Griffith, ii. 311; Bloomfield, 225, 687.—As to the verse-division, see under vss. 2 and 5, and SPP's Critical Notice, vol. i., p. 24.

1. From time came into being the waters; from time [came] the bráhman, fervor, the quarters; by time the sun rises; in time he goes to rest (ni-viç) again.

All the mss. save two ⌊of SPP's⌋ read abhavat at end of a; SPP. also ⌊as well as the Berlin ed.⌋ gives -an, with the comm., and with Ppp. In b, the comm. reads vratatapas for bráhma tápas.

2. ⌊Comm's 2 a, b, c.⌋ By time the wind cleanses (pavate); by time the earth [is] great; the great sky in time [is] set.