Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/54

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viii. 9-

None of the mss. read çītā́nṭ ṣáḍ in a, as demanded by Prāt. ii. 9. In d the construction of the two nouns is reversible.

18. Seven [are] the offerings (hóma), the fuels seven, the sweet things (mádhu, n.) seven, the seasons seven; seven sacrificial butters (ā́jya) went about the existent thing (bhūtá); those (f .) are seven-vultured, so have we heard.

The version is as literal as possible; to modify it would imply an understanding of it. The nearest fem. word for 'those' in d to relate to is 'fuels' in a. All the saṁhitā-mss. combine saptá rtávo in b. Ppp. reads in b nu for ha, and has instead of our c, d: sapta jyāyāṁ parihūta gāyaṁ saptahotā ṛtudayajetitās sapta gṛdhrā iti çuçravā ’haṁ. Nearly all the mss. (all of ours save E.) read āyam (the saṁhitā-mss. -aṁ) at end of c.

19. Seven [are] the meters increasing (-úttara) by four, the one set upon the other: how do the praises (stóma) stand firm in them? how are they set in the praises?

The gender of anyás at beginning of b speaks strongly for a compound like the later anyo ‘nya; but the double accent and the pada-reading (anyáḥ: anyásmin) are against it. The pada-text divides ā́rpitāni (ā॰árp-) at end of b, but not at end of d. The verse is wanting in Ppp.

20. How did gāyatrī permeate (vi-āp) the triple [stóma]? how is triṣṭúbh adapted to that of fifteen? how jāgatī to that of thirty-three? how [is] anuṣṭúbh that of twenty-one?

This verse, like the preceding, is wanting in Ppp.; and they are in a manner interruptions of the progress of the hymn.

21. Eight [are] born the beings first-born of righteousness; eight, O Indra, are the priests (ṛtvíj) who are of the gods; Aditi has eight wombs (yóni), eight sons; the oblation (havyám) goes unto the eighth night.

With a compare 16 a above; here as there all the saṁhitā-mss. combine -já rtásya, as in b all combine indra rtv-. Ppp. reads from the beginning: aṣṭāu dhāmāni prathamajaṁ tasyā ’ṣṭe ’ndra ṛtv-; and, in d, api for abhi.

22. Thus thinking what is better have I come hither; in your friendship I am auspicious (çéva); being of the same birth, your skill is propitious; it (m.), understanding, goes about to you all (f.).

The adjectives in a, b are fem., seeming to indicate that the virāj is regarded as speaking. Ppp. has ā ’gaṁ at end of a, and nas for vas both times in c, d. 'It' in d apparently refers to 'skill.'

23. Eight of Indra, six of Yama, seven of the seers, seven-fold; waters, men (manuṣyà), herbs—them five followed (sac) after.

The nouns in c are accusatives, and are apparently summed up in 'them' (tā́n). All the mss. this time read with our text yamásya ṛ́ṣ- in a-b. Ppp. puts the verse after our 24.