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Page:Atlantis Arisen.djvu/143

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The entire area of the Wallamet Valley has almost no waste land in it, and most of it is under improvement, although not by any means all well cultivated. The old donation law, which gave so much land to actual settlers, operated to prevent close neighborhood and consequent improvement, with good farming, school privileges, and roads kept in repair. The influx of population within a few years has changed the old order of things to a considerable extent, but not yet thoroughly.

People are beginning to understand that a few acres well tilled are better than many left in neglect. Fruit-farming on from five to forty acres is coming into fashion, to the benefit of all concerned. It is said that five acres of cleared timber-land will support a family in comfort. Until recently Oregon made no attempt to raise fruit for export, except apples to California. This year choice apples were shipped to England, and pears, plums, and peaches to Chicago. Many prune orchards are being set out, this fruit being most profitable for export in a dried state.

Before closing my remarks on the western portion of Oregon I will subdue my dread of tables sufficiently to present one giving the comparative condition of the several counties at the commencement of 1890, including also Southern Oregon.

Acres of Improved Land. Value of Land. Value of Town Lots. Value of Farm Animals. Gross Valuation of all Property. Indebtedness. Exemption. Tax Equalized by County Board.
Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars.
Benton 323,997 2,188,749 551,492 303,097 4,894,000 877,864 234,826 3,765,200
Clackamas 361,556 2,241,418 500,970 309,913 4,544,258 1,375,011 354,777 2,842,469
Clatsop 123,967 1,995,777 2,591,047 217,209 7,002,483 1,040,580 74,928 4,101,328
Columbia 219,567 627,360 37,580 179,915 1,249,837 168,046 131,137 850,654
Coos 291,903 1,292,892 335,633 243,884 2,615,875 389,001 249,549 1,976,705
Curry 93,350 331,270 12,155 125,543 663,777 107,653 64,775 489,949
Douglas 479,317 179,445 242,185 489,205 4,208,975 1,128,655 298,610 2,781,710
Jackson 192,374 1,152,693 222,441 318,761 3,235,347 686,971 271,768 2,254,557
Josephine 76,819 393,130 139,620 112,231 1,238,665 216,840 105,574 916,251
Lane 466,266 2,783,981 926,867 606,943 6,609,577 1,292,192 515,062 4,802,323
Linn 463,056 4,756,421 908,463 600,132 7,897,211 1,794,357 465,349 5,629,813
Marion 397,637 4,413,380 1,488,948 570,058 9,209,269 2,370,529 521,311 6,317,429
Multnomah 158,402 6,571,840 16,638,970 178,185 40,099,000 10,170,500 243,770 29,684,670
Polk 233,275 1,874,000 50,790 321,700 3,937,689 1,017,250 253,925 2,666,514
Tillamook 99,011 485,094 30,845 112,153 840,351 163,167 93,501 583,593
Washington 259,562 2,934,615 236,955 366,595 4,890,130 1,217,025 382,535 3,290,570
Yamhill 1,841,121 2,640,285 99,845 431,277 6,122,014 1,719,937 357,206 3,972,871