Page:Atlantis Arisen.djvu/392

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s follows:

16,000 pounds strawberries, at 6 cents.$960

500 "raspberries, at 7 cents. 35

1,000 "blackberries, at 8 cents. 80

4,000 "cherries, at 7 cents. 280

7,500 "prunes, at 3 to 5 cents. 300

2,000 "apples, at 2 cents. 40

500 1 ' pears, at 3 cents. 15

Total. $1710

The average yield of vegetables per acre, in bushels, was:


Peas .40



Sweet potatoes .... 200


Turnips. 300

Carrots. 1,000

Parsnips .. 800

Cabbage, pounds . . 20,000

Vegetables will in one year pay one hundred per cent, on expenditures.

The various cereals and fruits of this valley are harvested as follows:

Wheat, from the 24th of June to 10th of July.

Oats, from 1st of July to 20th of July.

Barley, from 20th of June to 1st of July.

Itye, from 1st of July to 10th of July.

Corn, from 20th of August to 10th of September.

Strawberries, from 1st of May to 10th of June.

Raspberries, from 10th of June to 20th of July.

Blackberries, from 25th of June to 1st of August.

Gooseberries, from 20th of June to 1st of July.

Cherries, from 20th of May to 1st of July.

As an example of what talent, grit, and opportunity may sometimes accomplish, I quote the Blalock Farm, near the city of Walla Walla. Dr. N. G. Blalock, of Illinois, arrived here in October, 1872, having come overland with teams, bringing his family. He at once commenced earning money,—for he did not bring any,—both by the practice of medicine and the use of his teams, putting all his income that could be spared into land along the base of the Blue Mountains, and cultivating these acres, the outcome of which went into more land, until he owned five thousand, and in 1881 harvested ninety thousand bushels of wheat and barley. His practice is now so large that he has no time fo